Interface GlobalContext

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractGlobalContext, AbstractPluginContext, CLIContext, CLIPluginContext, UIContext, UIPluginContext

public interface GlobalContext
Any implementation should maintain a referencte to a single plugin context. This plugin context is then used create children, in which plugins are executed.
  • Method Details

    • getPluginManager

      PluginManager getPluginManager()
      Returns the plugin manager. The plugin manager can be used to query for plugins which are registered in ProM.
      the plugin manager
    • getProvidedObjectManager

      ProvidedObjectManager getProvidedObjectManager()
      Returns the providedObject manager. The providedObject manager can be used to query for providedObjects which are registered in ProM. The manager should be a ProvidedObjectListener on all PluginInstanceContexts created by createRootInstanceContext.
      the providedObject manager
    • getConnectionManager

      ConnectionManager getConnectionManager()
      Returns the connection manager. The connection manager can be used to query for connections which are registered in ProM.
      the connection manager
    • createNewPluginContextID

      PluginContextID createNewPluginContextID()
      The GlobalContext implementation should create IDs for all PluginContexts instantiated for it.
    • invokePlugin

      void invokePlugin(PluginDescriptor plugin, int index, Object... objects)
      This method invokes the specified plugin in a context which is a child of the main plugin context maintained by this globalContext. No results are provided to the method calling this method and the plugin is executed some time in the future, as decided by the implementing class.
      plugin - The plugin that should be invoked by the framework
      index - The index of the plugin method that should be invoked.
      objects - The objects to serve as input as accepted by the method at index of the plugin
    • invokeBinding

      void invokeBinding(PluginParameterBinding binding, Object... objects)
      This method invokes the specified binding in a context which is a child of the main plugin context maintained by this globalContext. No results are provided to the method calling this method and the plugin is executed some time in the future, as decided by the implementing class.
      binding - The binding that should be invoked by the framework
      objects - The objects to serve as input as accepted by the given binding.
    • getPluginContextType

      Class<? extends PluginContext> getPluginContextType()
      Returns the specific type of the PluginContext. This type is used to instantiate new contexts in which to invoke plugins.
      the type of PluginContext provided by this global context