All Classes and Interfaces

Note that for all implementations of Connection, it is essential to consider memory consumption.
AbstractDirectedGraph<N extends DirectedGraphNode,E extends DirectedGraphEdge<? extends N,? extends N>>
AbstractDirectedHypergraph<N extends DirectedHypergraphNode,I extends DirectedIncomingHyperedge<? extends N,? extends N>,O extends DirectedOutgoingHyperedge<? extends N,? extends N>>
Since this context should maintain a link to a single plugin context, and PluginContextImpl is abstract, this context is also abstract.
Note that implementing classes of this baseclass should carry the UIImportPlugin annotation Subclasses of AbstractImportPlugin should use the @Plugin Annotation as follows:
This class implements a mutliset.
Threaded implementation of the addJarsForPackage method
Utility class to collect all methods annotated with @TestMethod from a given location of compiled Java classes.
Utility class to collect all test scripts annotated in a given directory.
This is an updated version with enhancements made by Daniel Migowski, Andre Bogus, and David Koelle To convert to use Templates (Java 1.5+): - Change "implements Comparator" to "implements Comparator" - Change "compare(Object o1, Object o2)" to "compare(String s1, String s2)" - Remove the type checking and casting in compare().
Interface to represent a node that can be drawn on the boundary of another node (e.g.: an exception on a BPMN activity.) The other node will be a ContainingDirectedGraphNode.
ComparablePair<F extends Comparable<? super F>,S extends Comparable<? super S>>
Abstract composite panel class that can return its main component.
A connection describes a relation between objects.
This annotation is used by the framework to scan for all implementations if Connection.
Exception thrown by the connectionmanager if a requested connection does not exist.
ID of a connection.
Annotation used on plugins to signal that they can construct a Connection on objects.
Interface to represent a directed graph element that can be the child of a node.
Interface to represent a directed graph node that contain other elements.
If an object implements this interface, then this object should use transient fields to store pointers to the three managers.
thrown by the constructor of a plugindescritor if it depends on a plugin not yet in the system.
DirectedGraph<N extends DirectedGraphNode,E extends DirectedGraphEdge<? extends N,? extends N>>
Implementations of this class should also implement DirectedGraphEdge<N, ?>
Implementations of this class should also implement DirectedGraphEdge<?, N>
Main interface for elements of a directed graph.
DirectedHypergraph<N extends DirectedHypergraphNode,I extends DirectedIncomingHyperedge<? extends N,? extends N>,O extends DirectedOutgoingHyperedge<? extends N,? extends N>>
represents edges going from multiple sources towards one target
represents edges going from a source towards multiple targets
Tagger interface to indicate that a connection will change after instantiation.
A helper method that can be used to modify how JUnit executes a test suite.
This annotation declares a Java method as 'Test Factory Method' which will be turned into a JUnit test for each object that is registered at the TestFactory.
Any implementation should maintain a referencte to a single plugin context.
GraphIterator.EdgeAcceptor<N,E extends DirectedGraphEdge<? extends N,? extends N>>
This interface should be implemented by plugins that serve as input plugins.
Encapsulate a method (annotated with TestMethod) in a JUnit test.
Thrown when a plugin returns an object of the wrong type.
Thrown when a plugin returns less results than declared.
Annotation that is used as a base annotation for all classes that need to be kept in cache by the ProM framework.
This class implements a mutliset.
This class implements a multi-threaded search algorithm.
Represents a node of the Tree class.
This class is used by the MultiThreadedSearcher to handle callbacks.
Dynamically adds jars or dll files at runtime to the environment for direct use
Threaded executions of PathHacker addJar
Plugin Category
Represents an ID of a plugin context.
This interface provides an ID for each plugin.
This class represents the result of a plugin execution.
The plugin manager manages plugins.
This interface describes an error listener for the plugin manager.
This class represents a binding between a method of a plugin and a set of parameters.
Factory for instantiating PluginParameterBindings binding plugins with a given input.
The renderer class for instance view.
Interface for progress indicator
Interface that can be used by visualizations to receive a notification from the framework when they are removed.
Class to represent a future on an object.
The base class for unit tests in ProM.
Exception that stores all collected failed tests that arised in PromTestFramework.
Associates a test case to expected and returned results in case the test was not successful.
Associates a test case to a thrown exception that occurred during its execution.
Script interpretor for ProM.
This is a wrapper for a server socket.
This interface represents a service environment.
This interface enables a service to respond to newly connected clients.
This class generate a shortest path from one node in a directed graph to another.
ShortestPathInfo<N extends DirectedGraphNode,E extends DirectedGraphEdge<? extends N,? extends N>>
This annotation can be added to a method in a JUnit test class.
By adding this annotation to a method, the method is flagged as a test method for ProM.
Annotation is used in the interface org.processmining.contexts.uitopia.specialplugins.ImportPlugin to signal the framework that this is an import plugin.
A WeakValueHashMap is implemented as a HashMap that maps keys to WeakValues.
This class implements an input stream which can provide a progress listener with feedback about how much of the data in the stream has already been read.
This class implements a progress listener for controlling an attached Swing progress bar.
Interface for listening for progress on an unspecified process.